Let’s talk about Stereotyping
They Look Similar, But I Don’t Think They Are the Same
I love Wikipedia so let’s first start with defining our topic of the day, Stereotyping, with Wikipedia. Give me my stereo.
In social psychology, a stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group’s personality, preferences, appearance or ability. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information, but can sometimes be accurate. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotype)
A person’s stereotype is mainly defined by his or her thought patterns, interests, hobbies, obsessions, walk of life … which is his or her overall personality. Stereotyping is an attempt to group a person or more, with some attributes and personality, into one category we call stereotype. Let’s talk about some terms we use regarding stereotypes. Some of them are already existing, and some others are terms that I have made them up.
- Stereotype Plurality: If a person fits into a number of stereotypes, we call that Stereotype Plurality.
- Stereotype Delliema: If a person doubts whether he belongs to certain stereotypes or not, or if an on looker finds it hard to fit someone with some stereotypes, we say this a stereotype Dillema.
- Stereotype Fitting: This refers to the attempt people make to know one person using their stereotype and when they try to fit his or her behavior with some kind and group.
- Stereotype Threat: This is a threat, which basically is fear and anxiety felt by a person when he or she is attempted to fit into a stereotype in which he or she finds or thinks is undesirable.
- Stereotype Boost: This refers to what happens when people give a stereotype a good image by associating it with a number of good attributes.
- Stereotype Lift: This is what happens when people compare a stereotype with others and try to lift it by giving other stereotypes they allegedly consider undesirable a bad image.
- Stereotype Acceptance: This what happens when people accept the stereotype they are associated with as their own. It also happens when people accept others as they belong to a certain desirable stereotype.
- Stereotype Denial: This happens when people deny the stereotype that they are normally associated with. It also happens when people deny other as they don’t belong to a certain desirable stereotype.
- Stereotype Endurance: This is when people endure the consequences of being associated with some seemingly bad stereotype.